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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Honor The Fallen

Coming to Broadway and the West End?


(copyrighted @ 2013)


The IRS Scandal is a fictional play based on true events (Can't wait to see how fictional it really is after the investigations are all said and done).

At its rotten core, it is a  "go deep, go long, rise to troll mid-level" submarine-like, political special ops, intel and money-laundering operation.

A major political party is in covert collusion with select members of their congressional leadership, mid-level managers, lawyers, and commissioners at the IRS, Treasury, and  FEC to undermine the opposition during a presidential re-election campaign year to save all their jobs during an economic recession.

The "follow-the-money" middle men and women are executive staff members of a major leading trade association, which holds quarterly conferences around the country in which they invite the lawyers and executives from the government to revel secret coded bank wire transfer information and other coded "comments" for personal benefit during the panel discussion periods.

Mid-level mangers at the IRS hire only temps at a seemingly out of the way field office, and use them like a revolving doors. The temps, who work no more than a week at a time before they are exchanged, are told to request more information or notify those on a list to contact a pre-approved (corrupt) IRS lawyer in their area that will help them with the processing of their tax-exempt application, revocation, or renewal status.

After getting the calls from distraught and frustrated social welfare applicants, the corrupt lawyers set about fleecing their vulnerable and naive clients, the conservative tax-exempt applicants, in order to kick back half the fees they collect to a single bank account, which is only open for a couple of weeks; afterward, the money is laundered by being transferred into four other separate accounts for the corrupt IRS, FEC, select Congress members, and to the presidential campaign manager to use at will, but mostly to split between himself and his family and the President of the United States and the First Lady.

The lawyers wire the funds because they always want to be listed on the IIRS's and their bread and butter list in common.

The main goal, in addition to enriching a few at the expense of the many, is to have overwhelming television advertising market share; pay for polling manipulation done by a firm who's owner is a close friend of the President's; and, so that the corrupt president, select members of congress, and mid-level government officials maintain their jobs.

They think they can achieve their goal by stalling and 'blood sucking' mom and pop conservative, social welfare groups.

Soon, the conservative party opponent and his supporters smell more than a rat, and will later come to discover that their respective acute financial kneecapping of their fund raising efforts and losses in the general election are all linked at the end to hangups at the IRS on the status of their 501(c) grass roots supporters' applications and renewals.

The gig is up.

An Inspector General is asked to undertake a report and stalls the report for months inexplicably until after the general election is over;then, undertakes the report again, only to be found as being less than thorough upon conclusion other than stating the obvious basics - mistakes were made. But, by whom and for what reason?

A full blown House and Senate investigation is launched; a special independent prosecutor is appointed; and, people go to jail, some are acquitted, and some end up on probation with similarly ruin professional lives.

The IRS is finally restored back to credibility, and all is right with the political world; that is until the next general election scheme is hatched before the curtain lowers.

Act I

The development and strategy of  “Operation Spookie": spook,snoop, collect, and delay tax-exempt free status by trolling for intel and requiring extra paperwork requirements from conservative 501c applicants. Delete, audit, revoke, and shake downs current conservative, social welfare groups back to corrupt lawyers; do the same to new applicants.

Members of congress receive complaints from 501(c) applicants; so, an Inspector General is duly assigned to investigate. The I.G. sits on the investigation until the election is past. All hell breaks lose in the press, the heartland, and on the Capitol Hill when a mid-level IRS feins saintly hood, apologizes, and announces "mistakes were made" at the IRS.

After pleading the Fifth before congress by the director of the tax-exempt office, the curtain lowers.

Act II

House and Senate Committees conduct dual Watergate-like investigative hearings; tragic professional falls occur; confessions are obtained. Jail terms, probations, and amunities under the plea-barganing processs are obtained.

The power and threat to freeze bank accounts is used to illicit confessions; monies are recovered and returned to the 'blood sucked'  victims of corrupt lawyers who had been retained to help intervene or litigate against the IRS on behalf of their 501(c) applications or tax-free status revocations and renewal which were deliberately delayed.

Congressional laws are finally crafted to make the IRS an independent, non-partisan body like the Federal Reserve with the IRS commissioner and his or her deputy elected by the people by the ballot box, every four years.

The last line of the play, before the curtain goes down on the play is spoken by the White House designer.

"What color curtains for the Oval Office would you like, Mr. ?" (Can't give it all away)

Is there an honest legal team interested in the rights to The IRS Scandal play?

It's yours for free to make millions with your investors if and only if you can prove that you have obtained the full release of the Guantanamo abductee-hostages who are being held indefinitely and illegally against Amendments Three, Four, Five, Six, Eight, Nine, and Eleven of the U.S. Constitution. You must petition and present the case before the U.S. Supreme Court and win the release of the abductees-hostages to be sent home immediately at U.S. government expense to their loved ones; and, to face speedy trials in their own homelands or be released, if warranted or acquitted, by local authorities without any U.S. government interference.

Let’s all help to stop torture; and, help create the most harmonious world we all deserve with many more theater jobs.

IRS Scrutiny of Non-Profit Groups - Part 1

IRS Scandal News of the Day

IRS Scandal News of the Day

Wikipedia Link to the IRS Scandal

Wikipedia Link to the IRS Scandal

Fifth or Wave!? I see a wave!