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Monday, June 3, 2013

Ways and Mean Committee to Hold Tuesday Hearing on I.R.S. Scandal

 Mesdames et Messieurs, où est le slush fund's spider hole?

Daniel Werfel's First Personnel Decision as Acting IRS Commissioner

Guess who was the Campus Manager of this Austin, Texas campus of the F.B.I. and I.R.S. when a plane plowed into it three years ago?

It's the same guy Daniel Werfel just chose to replace Lois Lerner as head of the tax-exempt division, Ken Corbin.

“In naming Ken Corbin as acting director to replace Lois Lerner, the administration has taken a strong step to address serious mistakes made by the IRS Exempt Organization Division,” Representative Sander Levin of Michigan, the top Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee, said in a statement. “This and further corrective action are vital in restoring the confidence of the American people.”

Golly, I'm not so sure about that now, Senator.

David Plouffe: Obstructionist-in-Chief?

I think David Plouffe knows a lot about how to make money fast. Plouffe received $100,000 for two speeches in Nigeria. And, he received $50,000 for a speach in Baku, Azerbaijan. Plouffe certainly knows how to find and hunt for money, too. In 2008, Plouffe was President Obama Presidential Election Campaign Manager. Between 2011-2013, Plouffe was Senior Advisor to the President Obama during the 2012 election.

Look at his teeth; even they look crooked to me.

Dog whistle! Search warrants whistle!

Check out above a member of the sniffing-out money laundering vice squad.

This beagle can find Plouffe's household stash, if he's stupid enough to have one. 

I think Plouffe  has got be in on this whole alleged, laundering business. He knows too much, being the closest adviser to the President since 2008. He should also be subpoenaed to appear before the House and Senate committees, to answer IRS scandal related questions. 

Let him take the Fifth, if he wants to. We'll get to the truth the hard way or the easy way. It's really up to him. The harder he makes it, the longer he'll get to serve, if convicted of obstruction of justice. 

Plouffe and President Obama should also not forget who holds the power of the purse for leverage to obtain "the truth and nothing but the truth" as well.

Follow along with: The David Plouffe Scandal.

let's put this investigation on the fast track, to gather up all the evidence and loose ends by August 1st, so that we can return after the summer break for the first day of trials to begin on September 4th, the day after Labor Day.

Oversight Hearing - Internal Revenue Service


Monday, June 3, 2013 3:00 PM in 2359 Rayburn 


Danny Werfel
Acting Commissioner
Internal Revenue Service

J. Russell George
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
Internal Revenue Service


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